Henry got quite a haul of candy too. He took the giant trick or treat bag (the one I used to use to hand out candy from) instead or his little pumpkin one. But it was half full by the time the evening was over. We canvassed our neighborhood first-- to meet the neighbors which was great! And then went to Alec and Dixie's to join the cousins and a bunch of other people from the ward in that neighborhood. Lots of good candy there too.
Henry was adorable. And each house he said the obligatory "trick or treat" but followed up with a heart felt "where are the halloween games?" Because he knows that every good party has candy and games and the candy was plentiful, but games were few. Luckily in one cul de sac we found a game like atmosphere with hayrides, movies and a spook alley (which Henry wisely choose to skip-- even big kids were getting scared.)
We ended up at cousin's house where Henry and H had a fun time playing relay games with Grandpa Dick and the big bag of Halloween candy to give away. Then we took a tired little boy home. What a great Halloween, and the first that Henry really got into. It is so fun watching Henry grow up. He makes holidays so much better!!