Monday, April 21, 2008

camp darby (this post is not in order sorry)

After our quick stop in Florence we drove to an Army base south of Pisa and set up camp in the dark. It took Henry a while to settle down. (He'd had lots of fun doing his job of clearing the site of pine cones while Dell and I set up the tent-- we had headlamps for each person. Henry found and moved a lot of pinecones in the five minutes it took us to set up.) We slept great since Italy is lots warmer than the German mountains and in fact Henry slept so great he slept through a chain saw across the street, Dell going off to shower, me going off to shower and us taking the tent down.

When we got tired of waiting for him to wake up we each grabbed a side of the mat and carried him outside-- he didn't stir.

Close up of sleeping Henry. Don't you love how his hat (great for keepin him warm while camping in April) covers his eyes. Maybe that's why he always slept so well in the tent. It's like a sleep mask-- and it covers his ears.

Still sleeping and the tent is down. Henry finally woke up when we put him in his car seat. His first words were "I want to keep camping." What a cutie.

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